26 Apr 2020
Posted in Projects
Thanks (NHS Charity T-Shirts)
Posted by Abbas Mushtaq

I'm sure anyone reading this will be all too familiar with this strange, and uncertain time we find ourselves living in. It feels like in the space of a month, our lives as we know it have been changed completely.

It's been all too easy to focus on the negatives during this time, and we all find ourselves checking the news more regularly than ever to get our daily dose of more bad news, but one of the biggest positives throughout the last month or so has been the sense of unity, and our togetherness in applauding the keyworkers and the NHS who are working around the clock to look after our health and saving our lives.

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We've seen tremendous unity across the UK with things like the 'Clap For Our Carers' campaign, so as creatives, we wanted to use our skillset and do our bit to help.

The 'THANKS' T-shirt was created with one aim: to raise the maximum amount of money possible for our incredible NHS, all while social distancing, staying safe, and at home.

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We have teamed up with Mercht to create a limited edition run of high-quality screen printed T-shirts. The T-shirts are screen printed at Mercht HQ using high-quality inks on premium 'Gildan Heavy' white T-shirts.

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You can order this T-shirt for you, your friends and your family securely through the Mercht Website.

100% of all funds raised will be donated to the NHSCharitiesCOVID19 fund: NHS Charities Together

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The campaign is live for a week. Please share this page with your friends and family, or retweet and share our posts and stories across our social channels (Instagram or Twitter). Together we can do our little bit and make a difference and raise some money for an all-important cause.

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Order the limited edition T-shirt here.

Stay safe, and take care.

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